Past Winners – Winners of 2010 Entyce Design Awards

Overall winner of the Entyce Design Awards 2010: Thom Yates, University of Chester

Winner 2010 Thom Yates

“There were some really strong entries so I was thrilled to be crowned as the winner. My placement with Entyce was a fantastic insight into the life of a buzzing creative agency. Getting a job in the design industry is so tough, but the EDA certainly helped me to stand out amongst competitors. ”

Thom Yates was awarded winner of the logo category as well as being shortlisted within the advertising category, making him the overall winner of the Entyce Design Competition 2010.

Thom joined Entyce for a placement over the summer of 2010, working on a variety of projects from branding to digital work.

Winner of Logo Design
Shortlisted for Advertising

Winner of advertising: John Daltrey, University of Chester

Winner 2010 John DaltreyJohn Daltrey impressed the judges with his quirky chicken adverts and was crowned as winner of the advertising category.

The effort John went into dressing up his (poor unsuspecting) brother in the chicken outfit and taking photos around Chester certainly deserved recognition!

Winner of packaging: Emily Spedding, Glyndwr University

Winner 2010 Emily SpeddingEmily Spedding stood out to the judges as the strongest contender within the packaging category. Her designs were clean, modern and well considered.

Emily joined Entyce in 2011 to work full time as a designer.

Winners of the point of sale: Group Entry, St Helens College

Winner 2010 GroupMichael Barr, Stacey Maffitt and Victoria Houghton made up the winning group entry who stole the show within the point of sale category.